black bears

  • Secretary of Interior Ryan Zinke has directed the National Park Service to reverse Obama-era directives implemented in October of 2015 that prohibited certain “hunting” practices in Alaskan national park units. Zinke is attempting to reinstate the killing of black bears with cubs and hunting them with dogs, hunting grizzlies over bait like donuts and bacon,…

  • It’s springtime and, of course, the bears have come out of their dens– Many newspapers, TV stations and other media in wild or rural country are now running articles pointing to the obvious, bears are no longer hibernating. The stories are coupled with warnings about putting your bird seed out of reach, securing smelly attractants,…

  • While on a hike in northern California, Robert Biggs stopped to watch a bear and her cubs.  He was suddenly attacked from behind by a mountain lion and the sow black bear came to his rescue. Bear Saves Robert Biggs From Mountain Lion Attack In California. The Huffington Post

  • From 770 to 158 complaints in one year- This shows the role that natural food availability plays in making bears into “bad” bears. As the story below indicates the changes was food availability. It is a short shory, but very much worth reporting because bears causing damage is an easier story to write and seems…

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