BrightSource Energy drops project in marvelous desert valley with bighorn sheep- Disputed Solar Energy Project in California Desert Is Dropped. By Elisabeth Rosenthal. New York Times. This had been a great Mohave Desert controversy, prompting Senator Feinstein to propose the area as a national monument instead. BrightSource says they are now looking for new site…
Broke California’s governor wants to close the state’s parks. Feds say this breaks the rules for six of them- 6 California parks could revert to federal control. LA Times. By Julie Cart. Closing the State Parks will probably do more economic damage than the management money saved, but then nothing about California’s self-made budget crisis…
Two sightings of the same wolverine in the same area a year apart. There are very few wolverines in Idaho but they have been known to travel very long distances across fairly diverse landscapes. Study: Wolverine in Sierra most likely from Idaho The Associated Press
Channels Bush and adds a presidential signing statement- Updates to 4-2. State specific information added at end of post There was much rejoicing as the President signed the Omnibus Public Lands Bill, usually and incorrectly called the giant new “wilderness bill.” It does add 2-million acres to the National Wilderness Preservation System, but it does…
Pay to play: Building in disaster-prone areas should cost more. Salt Lake Tribune Editorial. The editorial above is about Utah, but it uses California as the bad example (Utah is just as bad except that the population is smaller). California’s current budget disaster is compounded by the costs of fighting the many fires — $13-million…
California fires get caught up in global warming debate. By Rocky Barker. The same scientist who attributes the back-to-back big fire seasons in Idaho and the Northern Rockies as signs of human-induced climate change says the fires in California are not.