
  • Did Canada cover up the emergence of Atlantic salmon virus on the Pacific Coast for nine years? In late October we ran the story that infectious salmon anemia (ISA), which has devastated Atlantic salmon and salmon farms in Chile was found in three wild Pacific salmon. It might have spread to west coast fish farms…

  • European Commission’s plans to class fuel tar sand fuels as “highly polluting” Canada isn’t happy at all about the EU’s plan to classify all tar sand development as “highly polluting.” Such a classification does have teeth. It is more than an insult. Environmental groups are happy because this development in Canada is in fact extremely…

  • Born in British Columbia, the lynx travelled more than 2,000 km to finally make it back home An interesting story of a lynx that was translocated into Colorado from B.C. only to return there 8 years later. I don’t think, however, that the lynx really “wanted to die close to home” BC-03-M-02 | 2001-2010 by…

  • Will this help? Conservationists have been raising the alarm for years about the declining grizzly bear population in Alberta. Alberta grizzlies listed as threatened. The Associated Press

  • Conservation deal for Canadian forest the size of Texas- Although the first article below has a somewhat pessimistic tone, this certainly seems better than the current trend in boreal Canada. There is more value to the vast boreal forest than caribou. Caribou still at risk under historic forestry deal. Industry, environmentalists band together for sustainability.…

  • China? Russia? India? The United States? No, it’s Canada- Canada’s image lies in tatters. It is now to climate what Japan is to whaling. The tar barons have held the nation to ransom. This thuggish petro-state is today the greatest obstacle to a deal in Copenhagen.  George Monbiot. U.K. Guardian. We have posted several articles…

  • The Carbon the World Forgot — the boreal forest- “The boreal forest stores more carbon than any land-based ecosystem on the planet, according to a new report that says the Amazon is no match for Canada’s boggy bush.” It turns out that a major reason is all peat under the trees. Too many carbon sequestration…

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