The word Kobuk means “Big River” in the local native language. Photo George Wuerthner I just returned from floating the Kobuk River in Alaska’s Brooks Range. The Kobuk headwaters are north of the Arctic Circle in the Gates of the Arctic National Park and flow west to the Bering Sea near Kotzebue, Alaska. The…
Famous family of conservationists says change policy or give up the Olaus Murie Award- Olaus Murie is often called the “father of modern elk management.” His seminal scientific study of elk and many other kinds of wildlife such as caribou, which he learned about for 6 years in the field with has brother Adolf, was coupled with…
People just won’t be quiet about this oil company slash at the planet and America- Developing the Alberta tar sands keeps getting more and more controversial. First it was the pits and the megaloads, but now the anger has shifted to the Keystone XL pipeline that would bring the said-to-be toxic syncrude from Alberta to…
We ran a story on this earlier — they are going to shoot a lot of wolves because tar sand mining is ruining the mountain caribou habitat. Now this in the Huffington Post. Wolves, Caribou, Tar Sands and Canada’s Oily Ethics. By Chris Genovali. Executive Director, Raincoast Conservation Foundation
Caribou recovery plan near oil sands may target wolves- Of course the huge pit mines completely wipe out wildlife habitat including that of the rare woodland caribou. Most the the herds in Alberta and part of B.C. have been rated as “unlikely to survive.” Their plan to save the caribou is to kill thousands of…
Article says it was not hunt to fill family freezer . . . a hunt for personal publicity- There has been some discussion in our forum about Palin’s TV, caribou hunt. . . . questions about the rifle she used, her shooting ability, and so forth. Here’s one that goes to the heart of the…
Alberta protesters furious over wolf kill. By Jim Farrell. Edmonton Journal. The government wants to kill wolves to protect caribou, but the caribou have been disrupted by all the natural gas development and exploration in the Rocky Mountain foothills.