Climate Change
In the old Soviet Union, being a scientist was a dangerous thing unless discoveries upheld the Party’s ideology- Doubt GOP will be put scientists in a gulag. They will just be investigated and badgered out of a job. GOP plans attacks on the EPA and climate scientists. By Neela Banerjee. Los Angeles Times
The very rich funding political causes is not new, but the billionaire Koch Brothers are finally getting much deserved publicity- That money is the “mothers milk of politics” is well known, but the identify of the mothers often isn’t. In recent years the role of really rich people funding their causes has mushroomed. Rightwingers will…
George Wuerthner challenges biomass energy. If biomass energy production were fully implemented, it would become the single largest human impact to land in the country, requiring the near full utilization of all the U.S. forests and much of its agricultural lands for fuel production, contributing to what one TNC scientist has termed “energy sprawl.” Biomass…
If not worse then just as bad. A lot of energy has been expended to try to make natural gas look “green”. In fact many “green” groups and others are touting it as the “bridge fuel to a 21st-century energy economy” and claim that it is “cleaner” than coal. Well, it turns out that it…
Questions remain unanswered With very few systematic surveys of pikas there is not much to compare the results of this most recent survey to. The questions that still needs to be answered are what impact is climate change having on the survival of pikas in, especially, the isolated ranges of the pika’s range? Are the…
Could be the first animal listed as threatened or endangered because of climate change Decision expected tomorrow. Two previous stories on the pika listing process: Formal Protection For Pika Due To Climate Change May 7, 2009 U.S. agrees to consider protections for pikas February 15, 2009 Pika decision could have far-reaching effects By MIKE STARK…
Is the bill, compromised as it is, better than nothing? The Climate Bill has passed the House. It still must clear the Senate where the coal, gas and oil lobbyists hope to make still better for them. There are those who blame Obama for not spending more of his still considerable political capital on this.…