First large U.S. deployment of biofuels is an economic and environmental disaster– A decade ago it seemed like a great idea. Ethanol would be an additive or replacement for gasoline and diesel. It comes from the sun, water, and good old Mother Earth (soil). It would replace fossil fuels like petroleum that add to greenhouse…
Like so many alternative energies, the negative side effects are enormous- People are getting wise to corn ethanol for fuel. It depletes the food supply both directly by using corn for energy fuel and indirectly by raising the price of corn and so increasing the demand for corn substitutes and their price too. It increases…
Biofuel crops can be a big threat to wildlife, or not, as this article shows- Biofuel Grasslands Better for Birds. Science Daily.
The Conservation Reserve Project has removed many millions of marginal and sub-marginal lands from agricultural production over the last 20 years or so. It has had an enormous beneficial effect on water quality and wildlife habitat in some places. Southeast Idaho, where I live is one of the most important places to benefit. On the…
This should hardly be news, but many policy-makers still don’t realize this. Our wildlife, water, and economy will suffer unless this is understood better. Politics also plays a role as many corn producing states are up for grabs in the upcoming election. Many politicians will decide it is safer to cater to corn ethanol for…