Domestic Sheep
Looking for a great career? Do you want a sheepherder’s job? Look for yourself and you can make a whopping $650 – $750 a month! No, that’s right now, not some time in the future like 1950! Type in the word “sheepherder” on the Idaho Works job search page and see for yourself: It’s…
Are the wilds of the Upper Green a place for sheep? By Ken Cole and Ralph Maughan Grizzly mauls sheepherder; kills dogs, sheep. By Joy Ufford with Derek Farr. Sublette Examiner This is bad. A poor shepherd got seriously hurt. With all the media attention on sheep ranchers there is too little attention to the…
Sheep dog bit woman while riding her bike and attacked another person’s dog. The dog had not been vaccinated. It is not uncommon for people to come into contact with sheep guard dogs while recreating on public lands and I have been told many times that these dogs are trained to not attack people. This may be…
New state law on bighorn undermines the working group process, tribe says- This is good news about the sorry situation. Everyone should quit this group set up to make it appear that the Otter Administration gives a damn about bighorn. Bad news! And on top of this a bighorn mixed with domestic sheep (on private…
This is a long summary of where the bighorn sheep controversy in Idaho stands and who is saying what. I think it’s a useful article for bringing folks up to date. Bighorn advocates butt heads. By Lynea Newcomer and Kathleen Turner. The Wood River Journal