Endangered Species Act

  • Questions remain unanswered With very few systematic surveys of pikas there is not much to compare the results of this most recent survey to.  The questions that still needs to be answered are what impact is climate change having on the survival of pikas in, especially, the isolated ranges of the pika’s range?  Are the…

  • For immediate release – March 8, 2010 Contact: Jon Marvel, Executive Director, Western Watersheds Project – 208-788-2290 Laird Lucas, Executive Director, Advocates for the West – 208-870-7621 In response to the announcement on Friday March 5 by Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar that the listing of greater sage-grouse and two of its distinct population…

  • More worried about protecting industry than wildlife. The Mono Basin sage grouse received a higher priority rating, a 3 on a scale of 1-12, as a candidate species than the larger populations elsewhere which received an 8 rating. Unbelievably the Chief of the Nevada Division of wildlife expressed greater concern about the industries that would…

  • ~ Jon Marvel Friends, Today, in response to successful litigation brought by Western Watersheds Project and our attorneys at Advocates For The West, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar announced Greater Sage Grouse would not be protected by listing the species under the protections of the Endangered Species Act. The Secretary did acknowledge that listing…

  • Interior: Grouse listing warranted but precluded By MEAD GRUVER (AP)

  • Announcement scheduled for 1:30 EST Friday Interior to announce sage grouse finding Friday By MEAD GRUVER (AP) Of course those opposed to listing the bird as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act are coming up with worn out one liners in anticipation of the decision. “The only good place for a sage grouse…

  • REINTRODUCTION PLANNED AS EARLY AS THIS MONTH This story appeared last week while I was gone and there was a little discussion about it on the open thread but I think it deserves its own thread. The significance of this story is not so much that wolves are being released into the wild but that…

  • Could be the first animal listed as threatened or endangered because of climate change Decision expected tomorrow. Two previous stories on the pika listing process: Formal Protection For Pika Due To Climate Change May 7, 2009 U.S. agrees to consider protections for pikas February 15, 2009 Pika decision could have far-reaching effects By MIKE STARK…

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