Endangered Species Act
REINTRODUCTION PLANNED AS EARLY AS THIS MONTH This story appeared last week while I was gone and there was a little discussion about it on the open thread but I think it deserves its own thread. The significance of this story is not so much that wolves are being released into the wild but that…
Could be the first animal listed as threatened or endangered because of climate change Decision expected tomorrow. Two previous stories on the pika listing process: Formal Protection For Pika Due To Climate Change May 7, 2009 U.S. agrees to consider protections for pikas February 15, 2009 Pika decision could have far-reaching effects By MIKE STARK…
Rare plant will receive protection across its entire range. WESTERN WATERSHEDS PROJECT NEWS RELEASE October 1, 2009 Contact: Todd Tucci, Advocates for the West (208) 342-7024 Jon Marvel, Western Watersheds Project (208) 788-2290 Katie Fite, Western Watersheds Project (208) 429-1679 SCIENCE FINALLY TRUMPS POLITICS IN PROTECTING RARE DESERT FLOWER Boise, Idaho – Conservation groups applauded…
Calls Dam Breaching a “Last Resort” “The administration’s passing reference to dam breaching as a ‘contingency of last resort’ defers all necessary economic, infrastructure and other studies, making this ‘contingency’ an illusion,” said Samuel N. Penney, the chairman of the Nez Perce American Indian Tribe, which has traditionally fished the Columbia. New Federal Plan for…
How will this affect the wolves of the Northern Rockies? RM Press Release. Humane Society of the United States Center for Biological Diversity Court-ordered Settlement Restores Endangered Species Act Protections to Great Lakes Wolves – – – – – – – Update: Great Lakes wolves returning to endangered list By JOHN FLESHER Associated Press Update,…
Meanwhile captive bison killing each other due to competition for food. Sarah Palin wants a 10j rule classifying reintroduced bison as experimental non-essential so that development of their habitat can go forward unimpeded. Ruling might put wood bison back in Nenana Basin despite natural gas hunt Newsminer
Pikas are disappearing from the alpine areas of Great Basin and may be listed due to climate change. People who frequent the alpine areas of Idaho may be familiar with these small relatives of rabbits. Pikas live in boulder fields where they harvest herbaceous plants and carry them into their dens. You can often hear…
U.S. District Court Judge James A. Redden tells Federal Government to come up with backup plan to breach dams. Judge faults gov’t plan to save Pacific NW salmon Associated Press The four dams on the lower Snake River, Lower Granite Dam, Little Goose Dam, Lower Monumental Dam, and Ice Harbor Dam, were originally built for…