Endangered Species Act

  • Rather than pursue a grizzly bear restoration that puts bears’ welfare first, the feds are appealing a district court decision to keep grizzlies protected under the Endangered Species Act, taking that decision to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. From the Endangered Species Act: The term ‘‘endangered species’’ means any species which is in danger…

  • Very important. Interesting post by NRDC’s Louisa Wilcox about how the science shows how critical whitebark pine nuts are for grizzlies and how the managers talk out of both sides of their mouth. “In its August 9th legal brief challenging the 2009 ruling by Federal Judge Donald Molloy that required relisting of the Yellowstone grizzly…

  • Settlement, legislation, or legal challenges? I expect an overreach by the people who are angry about the relisting of wolves. There are many who are pinning their hopes on legislative action taken in the House and Senate to remove all protections from wolves under the Endangered Species Act but I think that will likely fail…

  • I attended the IDFG Commissioner’s “special meeting” on Monday in Idaho Falls where the commissioners discussed how to proceed now that wolves are again protected by the Endangered Species Act. After the Commission decided to adopt new rules on placement of traps, which requires trappers to keep traps at least 5 feet away from the…

  • It is an argument for removing dams as well. For many years biologists have known that hatchery fish effect the fitness of wild fish through competition and interbreeding. Hatchery fish don’t have the selective pressures that wild fish do so are less fit to survive in the wild. Because of this, when hatchery fish breed…

  • Extremist, wolf hating politicians blame everyone but themselves Wyoming is angry that they can’t get their way on wolves and now that a judge has reminded them that their plan sucks they’re digging in even further. Maybe the title of the article should read “GOP governor candidates, Freudenthal say they’ll keep wolves on the Endangered…

  • Change could result in greater protections for Mexican Gray Wolf The USFWS has announced that they will review the status of the Mexican Gray Wolf as an endangered subspecies. The reclassification would require the Service to rewrite their recovery plan and designate critical habitat. Mexican Gray Wolf May Qualify for Endangered Species Protection Separate From…

  • Tree, important for grizzly bears, affected by global warming, insects, and fungus The whitebark pine is a tree that lives at high elevations and was historically unaffected by pine beetles but due to global warming this has changed. Also, blister rust, an introduced fungal infection has taken a large toll on the trees. The pine…

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