Endangered Species Act

  • The saga continues After the rediscovery of living specimens, and I’m sure a threat of litigation, the USFWS is taking another look at whether the giant Palouse earthworm deserves protection. Palouse earthworm gets second look for protection.

  • More on the dead Mexican wolves One possibility that might be considered by the investigators is the possibility that those with government issued telemetry equipment may not be using it to kill the wolves but they may be giving the frequencies to those who are. Gray wolf shot in AZ; officials probe use of radio…

  • Another good year for Idaho’s sockeye salmon? 134,000 164,000 sockeye have crossed Bonneville Dam which is more than 3 times the 10-year average. Most of those are heading to lakes in Washington State but a few are returning to lakes in Idaho’s Sawtooth Mountains. During the last two years Idaho saw exceptionally high returns of…

  • Louisa Willcox of NRDC writes about the Delisting Hearing Louisa Wilcox, of NRDC, has written a great piece about the hearing and how the arguments by the government were disjointed and more about the politics than the law. She raises some good points and gives more information about the judge’s questions of the government’s conflicting…

  • Court says there is not enough evidence to show that worm is threatened. The recently rediscovered giant Palouse earthworm won’t be given protection because not enough is known about it. Appeals court denies earthworm protection. By NICHOLAS K. GERANIOS – The Associated Press

  • Do we need an Endangered Ecosystems Act? Many biologists believe we have instigated the 6th great extinction episode in Earth’s history; some estimate the pace of extinction has soared to 100,000 species a year. Renowned paleoanthropologist, Richard Leakey, believes half of the Earth’s species will vanish within 100 years and warns that this die-off could…

  • Judge Redden said the Bush Plan for salmon wasn’t good enough, Obama thinks it is. Well, here is another example of how the Obama Administration has followed the lead of the Bush Administration on environmental issues. As we can see from the Gulf Oil Spill those policies are literally a disaster. While salmon returns have…

  • The fish is in serious trouble due to dams on the Lower Snake and Columbia Rivers The Pacific Lamprey had seen drastic declines in population over the last few decades and is quickly becoming a rare sight. Last year it was estimated that only 30,000 crossed Bonneville Dam, down from 350 million to 400 million…

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