federal budget

  • A rundown on the anti-wildlife, pro livestock things sneaked into the new U.S. budget just signed into law- By now, everyone has heard about yesterday’s passage of a $1.1 trillion budget bill. But it’s unlikely that many people have heard about anti-wildlife, pro-grazing details that are hiding there. Special interests always seem to get their…

  • Lory State Park west of Fort Collins, CO, burns- Drought conditions across the U.S. have not changed much since last year’s near record. This is especially true in  the mid-West and the Western U.S.  There have already been several. One was in Idaho near Boise. It threatened homes. Now a thousand acre wildfire has burned…

  • At least in South Dakota. Hopefully more generally- With all the budget problems, finally here is a good one — USDA Wildlife Services is running out of funding for aerial predator control. Aerial predator control is grounded. AP

  • It’s not really about cutting federal expenditures by $60-billion- The argument over these particular budget cuts is not about reigning in big costs. It is almost entirely about eliminating or gutting entire programs, many of them very popular, without a hearing or even a separate vote on each (most of which they would lose). House…

  • Senator Tester gets delisting added to Senate version of the budget- Tester amends federal budget bill to declare wolves recovered in Montana, Idaho. By Rob Chaney. Missoulian. The recent CR (Continuing Resolution) that passed Congress avoiding a government shutdown for two weeks provided short term relief on wolf delisting by Congress, but it is just…

  • American Sheep Industry Association asks key U.S. Senator not to cut funding for notorious wildlife killing agency- The President has proposed cutting the budget of USDA Wildlife Services by 10-million dollars. President Obama said there needs to be shared sacrifice although so far it seems to be teachers, police, sick people, students, science, reproductive health,…

  • Cuts include Wildlife Services- Obama’s budget would deeply cut farm subsidies. By P.J. Huffstutter, Los Angeles Times I kind of thought Obama might not figure this out, but his budget proposal seems to take a whack at this nasty agency as well as the heretofore unstoppable subsidy payments to rich and corporate farmers.  If you…

  • Bush released his proposed FY 2009 budget yesterday. It cuts just about every domestic government agency and program. Defense would get a 7% increase. Land management agencies get the ax again. The National Park Service is said to be one exception, although the story in the Missoulian as an update indicates even this is slight-of-hand.…

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