
  •   Our current means of protecting wildlands is to set a boundary around the area. Humans do not create wilderness with survey lines. Any more than we create blue skies with a weather report. We can only recognize and sanction what already exists. San Francisco may well be one of the more beautiful settings for…

  • 2012 was a record year for Florida panther deaths- Twenty-six of the rare Florida panther were killed this year, a record, though one that should be set in perspective — the state’s population is 100-160 today compared to only 20-25 back in 1995 when eight female Texas pumas were imported to bolster the population of  native…

  • Huge Gambian rats trapped in Florida Keys. The kind of animals that do need to be eliminated- Given the huge controversy over trapping our native wildlife, there are many animals that need to be trapped, shot, fished out, etc.,  and it largely is not native wildlife.  Here is one example from one of the most…

  • Burmese pythons, an exotic invasive snake, is raising a ruckus in the Everglades- Pythons are just one of many exotics, mostly released pets, that are destroying the Everglades’ orginal ecosystem, but oddly, making it a weird and interesting place. Pythons in Florida Stalked by Hunters and Tourists Alike. By Damien Cave. New York Times.

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