All indications are that Green House Gas (GHG) emissions are causing higher global temperatures and climate change. Records show that 2024 was the warmest year on record. Climate change is increasing natural hazards, from hurricanes to wildfires. The Arctic permafrost is melting, emitting methane, a Greenhouse Gas (GHG) that is even more effective at trapping…
Chatham House Research Paper Rob Bailey, Antony Froggatt and Laura Wellesley Energy, Environment and Resources | December 2014 SUMMARY: This new research paper describes many of the findings that have been in other recent reports such as the UN Livestock’s Long Shadow World Watch’s comprehensive report Livestock and Climate Change The basic…
AquaBounty’s super salmon frighten salmon fishers, greens and some of the country’s brownest congressionals- They were created from a sterile Atlantic salmon female with a Chinook salmon growth hormone gene added. They grow twice a fast as natural salmon, and are designed to be farmed in inland ponds. They are sterile, but many fear what…
Food and Drug Administration pressured to combat rising ‘food fraud’- This is a little bit marginal to what we usually discuss (well maybe not), but it is certainly irritating to the consumer. Fraud also puts pressure on the honest producer to cut corners or worse. “Organic foods” are also of no guarantee if fraud is…