forest fires

  • Idaho’s forests granted a quiet wildfire season- More than 2-million acres burned in Idaho in 2007. Less than a hundred thousand burned this year. Story in the Idaho Mountain Express. Just 98,894 acres have burned across the state this year. By Jason Kauffman. Express Staff Writer.

  • Montana and Wyoming fires fewer and milder so far this summer. Billings Gazette. AP. You can add most of the Western states to this list, except for California.

  • As summer advances, debate over the handling of forest fires, is one again on the front burner. Are the ways forest fires are being fought and prevent “firewise?” By Heath Druzin and Rocky Barker. Idaho Statesman. “We spend billions attacking almost every wildfire, but scientists say that’s bad for the forest, can put firefighters in…

  • This analysis is from Forest Policy – Forest Practice, an interesting blog on forest policy written by a number of academics and “practitioners.” George Wuerthner Gets it Right on Fire, Ecosystems, Management. By Daver Iverson. This is a summary of George Wuerthner’s recent letter to Oregon’s Senator Ron Wyden who believes that legislation putting more…

  • Scientists look for answers to state forests’ beetle epidemic. By Judy Fahys. The Salt Lake Tribune. This is not unique to Utah. Various and vast death of conifers is happening all over the Rocky Mountains as well as British Columbia and Alberta. The cause of the beetle pandemic is not local and there is no…

  • WASHINGTON — A Montana expert testified Thursday that climate change will increase and intensify wildfires, while members of Congress and U.S. Forest Service officials grappled with how to pay for the increased costs of fire suppression Story: Professor: Fires in West will worsen. By Noelle Straub. Casper Star-Tribune Washington bureau. This should be obvious, but…

  • More Nevada gold mines spew more toxic mercury than they reported. By Rocky Barker. Idaho Statesman. Three years ago hardly anyone thought of this, but the fact is southern Idaho waters and part of Utah too is being poisoned by the emissions from the rapidly growing number of open pit gold mines in Nevada. Recent…

  • New West has an article summarizing the severe wildfire season (long season) in Montana this year. Of course, people should note the Idaho had the worst and the longest of any state. Tallying Up the 2007 Fire Season in Montana. By Dave Loos.

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