grizzly 610
I recently wrote about the reinhabitation of grizzly bears in Grand Teton National Park and Jackson Hole. There, two female bears and their families have really caught folk’s attention for about the last decade. The book is about them. Grizzly bear 399 and her daughter 610, both of whom have now had many cubs, and…
A good, but roadside griz, is shot after transplant far to the NE- Grizzly bear 760 was a popular sub-adult male in the Grand Teton NP area. Photographers had followed him from his cubhood. He was probably one of even more famous grizzly 399’s cubs from 2013, or one of 399’s older daughter, 610’s. Despite…
Photographers don’t like the new rules promoted because of the people watching GB 399, 610 and cubs- Photographers now have to keep further back– Jackson Hole Daily. By Thomas Dewell.