grizzly bear

  • Grizzly that wandered the Montana plains commits a final unpardonable sin- Yes, and a year ago it ate some sheep. Two chickens this year were two too many. It makes me sad because it reminds me that no matter what we fantasize, the bears and us are stuck in a depressed, overpopulated, bureaucratized world with…

  • This story gives more info on the dead botanist Erwin Frank Evert- Story from National Parks Traveler. By Kurt Repanshek Evert recently wrote Vascular Plants of the Greater Yellowstone Area. He knew the Yellowstone country well. His death certainly is a loss.

  • This story has a lot of twists and turns from various officials- This story, at least the earlier version of it, has already been discussed a lot in “have you hears any good wildlife . . .” I decided it was time to post the outcome: dead man and dead bear.  Was this a screwup,…

  • Polar bear-grizzly hybrids are extremely rare, though one was found (that is, shot) last year. Now a second generation bear might have been discovered (shot by a native hunter). Story in the National Post.

  • Hunters survive night attack in Purcell Mountains. Hiked 5 kilometers back to truck after attack- Two lucky hunters survived what sounds to me like a half-hearted predatory attack by a female grizzly. There is evidence that they had been followed by two grizzlies earlier that day. I say “half-hearted” because they would not have survived…

  • Although this has been discussed in comments on other threads, here is the news story- Charges in grizzly bear death near Ditch Creek. By Cory Hatch, Jackson Hole Daily. This bear might have been the cub (now a sub-adult) of locally famous grizzly bear 399. Although this story has already been discussed in some comments,…

  • Will they become a Canadian threatened species? To many Americans, Canada is still the “great white north” where multitudes of wildlife live in wilderness and “tree huggers” silly enough to want to see a bear or a wolf can go a see one behind almost every tree. The reality is massive development, and especially in…

  • The Dupuyer case is the one of the giant grizzly bear (posted earlier)- Rancher fined for killing grizzly; reward now up to $6,000 in Dupuyer area shooting. By Karl Puckett. Great Falls Tribune Staff Writer

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