grizzly bears

  • It’s called “hyperphagia” Grizzly bears get a serious case of the “munchies” this time of the year. “Ravenous” is more the word. It is overwhelming and not a matter of personal character, but genetic programming to prepare for the winter hibernation. News media articles, agency warmings, and word of mouth tells people that the bears…

  • A new study by Dr. Bill Ripple and his colleagues, “Trophic cascades from wolves to grizzly bears in Yellowstone” in the Journal of Animal Ecology suggests a second way the return of wolves has helped the Yellowstone grizzly bears. Grizzlies have thrived in Yellowstone Park in recent years despite the destruction of the cutthroat trout fishery,…

  • Put down for eating too many cattle- Grizzly bear 399’s next to last adult cub 587M has been killed by Wyoming officials for killing cattle in the upper Green River 40 miles southeast of Jackson, Wyoming. That leaves only 399’s equally famous adult cub, bear 610F alive. For those who have been in the upper…

  • Hypothesis points to how profound indirect effects of human caused ecological changes can be- For a generation now lake trout (mackinaw) have greatly reduced the formerly hugely abundant Yellowstone cutthroat trout in Yellowstone Lake and in its tributary streams. This decline was made worse by the emergence of whirling disease, a parasite carried by people…

  • Will this program stem the decline of grizzlies in SW Alberta? Grizzlies are on the decline in Alberta. The province has far fewer bears than adjacent British Columbia and even fewer than the state of Montana to its south. Resource development such as tar sands, natural gas exploration and development all along the Rocky Mountain…

  • A few incidents and some grizzly expansion onto the Montana plains- Now that the grizzly (and black) bears are mostly out into what has been a generally cold Rocky Mountain spring, there is, as always, grizzly bear news. First a minor mauling. A college student in Pablo, Montana was mauled by a griz during the…

  • Brian Horejsi takes some wind out- In the United States we are familiar with livestock operators in grizzly country often complaining about how they have a lot of trouble with grizzly bears. A half century ago, the province of Alberta had many more of the great bear than the struggling American populations south of the…

  • Some are already out- For the next month grizzlies in Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, and Canada will emerge from their dens.  Some are reported to already be out hunting for the first tender grass and for winter carcasses. In the last few days there have been stories alerting people to the fact of the bears “awakening”…

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