grizzly bears
Rare grizzly of the Cabinet-Yaak, wounded, apparently turns on hunter’s partner and kills him- Note that the story below has been superseded. The hunter who ended up dead was shot by his partner as the grizzly attacked him. The bullet was, of course, likely meant for the bear. Matters are still being investigated as of…
More good news about grizzlies moving out onto the sparsely inhabited plains of northern Montana- Griz adult seen by Shelby is first to wander so far east of the Front. By Karl Puckett. Great Falls Tribune.
More good news about the grizzlies of Glacier National Park, the Rocky Mountain Front and now more- We have run news every year about grizzlies reclaiming the sparsely populated plains of northern Montana from ten to a hundred miles east of the mountains. A lot of these bears are really large for interior grizzlies. A…
Neal . . . Die-off is so great that GYE grizzlies won’t even bother to look for whitebark pine nuts anymore- Famed grizzly bear ecologist Chuck Neal gave his views on the future of grizzlies in and around Yellowstone Park during a hike into the North Absaroka Wilderness (just east of the Park). Grizzlies of…
Good news for the tiny grizzly population hard up against the Idaho/B.C. border in extreme NW Montana- Conservation group buys land for grizzly migration. Helena Independent Record. AP The private land was purchased by Vital Ground, a Missoula, Montana foundation.
Photographers don’t like the new rules promoted because of the people watching GB 399, 610 and cubs- Photographers now have to keep further back– Jackson Hole Daily. By Thomas Dewell.
GB399 gives one of her cubs to her daughter, 610? These famous Grand Teton bears just became more famous with the apparent movement of one of 399’s cubs to that of her grown daughter, 610; who already has two cubs of the year. Grizzly Sows Apparently Swap A Cub In Grand Teton National Park. By…
Wonderful news! And don’t believe that stuff about “these areas are no longer biologically suitable for the grizzly.” If they are not suitable, how is it that they are living there? People who say things like that don’t seem to know much about the history of wildlife in the West. The low point for wildlife…