Idaho Fish and Game
The Idaho Fish and Game held it’s recent Commission meeting in McCall over the last two days but failed to take up one item on its agenda. The Commission did not discuss wolf hunting even though they are likely to start hunting wolves starting September 1st. They plan to take up the subject at their…
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service dubs the plan an “eradication program”. The plan to kill pelicans by shooting or covering their eggs with oil to protect Yellowstone cutthroat trout in Blackfoot Reservoir has been rejected by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service due to the requirements of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. Idaho F&G…
If tests find he had pneumonia others may be killed as well. The bighorn which interacted with domestic sheep on private property near Riggins, Idaho has been killed. During the last 3 1/2 weeks it is know to have had contact with 11 other bighorn rams which may be killed as well if tests determine…
Looks like ID Fish & Game may get their tag fee increase- Key Idaho Senate Committee approves increase 8-1. Idaho Statesman staff.
Here is the latest news as written by Idaho Fish and Game. It has a wolf and livestock mortality table. Ralph Maughan – – – – – – – – IDAHO WOLF MANAGEMENT PROGRESS REPORT To: Idaho Fish and Game Staff and Cooperators From: IDFG Wolf Program Coordinator, Steve Nadeau Subject: Status of Gray Wolf…
Projected revenue increase revised from 20 down to 15%- Under the proposal basic fish and hunting licenses would not change. Tags, however, would increase by varying percentage amounts. Story in Idaho Statesman.
Ranchers and Wildlife Services are asking for county tax dollars to do it. Ralph Maughan posted about this recently when it was a big secret, but now it is out in the open. Wildlife Services in Idaho is seeking flexibility to kill wolves several months after depredations have occurred. They have identified 26 packs which…
Great news! Will it pan out? Fish and Game forecasting the largest salmon returns in years. In other news, F&G will issue fewer moose tags and mountain goat permits in 2009 and 2010. By Roger Phillips. Idaho Statesman. More money and more political battling have been used to restore salmon (and steelhead) than any other…