Idaho Fish and Game

  • This is entirely predictable- .  .  . and you can bet most state legislatures will do nothing about it. Black-market meat – Illegal killing of animals on rise as economy sinks. By Tracie Cone. AP in the Missoulian. Idaho Fish and Game needs more money, although they make me mad and I don’t think they…

  • Plan is out in the open- Although they wanted to just do a quick kill, under the 10j rules Idaho can kill off wolves in an area if wolves are making it so that ID F and G objectives aren’t being meet. They have to perform a ritual first, however.  A delisted population could have…

  • For now it’s just data, but its uses in trip planning, signing, road construction, and road routing are obvious- Highway Wildlife Collisions. Idaho Fish and Game. Idaho Fish and Game says it’s web site database will be available for public use soon.

  • Did they do a good job? The comments seem extremely strong to me. The comment period on the latest run at delisting ended on Nov. 28. This blog is probably the only place you will find these comments on-line all in one place. – – – – – – NRDC-comments-wolf-delisting-nov28-2008 Pdf file Earthjustice for 14…

  • Idaho’s Latest Wolf Bi-weekly- IDAHO WOLF MANAGEMENT BI-WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT To:  Idaho Fish and Game Staff and Cooperators From:  IDFG Wolf Program Coordinator, Steve Nadeau Subject: Status of Gray Wolf Management, Weeks of October 18- Nov 3, 2008. Delisting: FWS – Northern Rocky Mountain Wolf Status (WY, MT, ID): The U.S. Federal District Court in…

  • In July David Parrish who was the Director of Idaho Fish and Game for the Magic Valley region lost his job after he commented on the wildlife impacts of the proposed by wind farm on public and private land near Brown’s Bench. We covered the story, but the Idaho media didn’t seem to find this…

  • There was an increase in the number of the huge white pelicans in Idaho in 2007, although the number of nests is down this year. These are not common, nor widespread birds, but some anglers (mostly reservoir anglers) want them destroyed, even though they eat far more trash fish than trout. Once again, we face…

  • The Assocated Press says that Idaho Fish and Game has released its recommendations for maximum allowed wolf mortality in 2008. The proposal is a total mortality cap of 328 wolves in Idaho. That total includes wolves killed by hunters and state managers, and those killed in accidents or by natural causes. I assume illegal mortality…

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