
  • Cumulatively they lost $9600 and 12 years of hunting privileges. Another form of poaching that is probably more common than this one incident might indicate. This case shows how difficult it is to convict many poachers. It took two years to catch someone using the bait station after it was first discovered. Is poaching becoming…

  • Now, your opportunity to comment on the Pocatello, Midnight, and Michaud grazing allotments- Comments are due Jan. 4, 2011- An opportunity like this only comes along every ten years or so.  I know a lot of people have been furious for years about the cattle grazing in the Bannock Range immediately west and south of…

  • Father and son arrested for poaching two large 6-point elk- Almost twice a week there is a story about major elk poaching in Idaho, often involving important people.  There is so much of this we have to question the real reason why elk numbers are below objective in a half dozen Idaho hunting areas. Caldwell…

  • Report on last week’s hearing predicts the decision on the megaloads will be close- Having won a hard fought battle to intervene on the decision whether to allow the first megaloads of oil equipment up Highway 12 and over Lolo Pass, the full hearing last week pitted local residents and the Boise based law firm,…

  • Local residents act quickly to inform Idaho Fish and Game- This is a very strange story, but glad for the alert citizens. Why would elk ranchers poach an elk? But they did. They plead “guilty.” Residents help Fish and Game nab poachers near Albion. By Andrew Weeks – Times-News writer – – – –…

  • Directs Department to prepare a new plan consistent with 2002 Legislative Plan. The IDFG Commission voted unanimously to suspend the 2008-2012 wolf management plan, which maintains a wolf population of 518 wolves in the state of Idaho, and directed the Department to prepare “an appropriate wolf species management plan, consistent with the 2002 Idaho Wolf…

  • Schweitzer says talks have broken down, probably for good! According to the story, Idaho and Wyoming would not go along with a deal for a wolf hunt and delisting in Idaho and Montana because they wanted a legislative fix in addition. Montana governor says wolf deal dead. AP in the Bozeman Chronicle.

  • Cpl. Jeff Jayne, accused, is reported to be another anti-wolf worrier about declining elk, etc- This is from back in late November, but it is incredible.  There hasn’t been any recent news on this, but here is the article in the Bonner County newspaper. Bonner County, Idaho abuts Canada. I thought the story should get…

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