
  • Wants fish and game managment returned to “the people” at the county level- Accused elk poacher Rex Rammell has his say in a guest editorial today in Pocatello’s Idaho State Journal. Guilty until proven innocent. By Rex Rammell. Op ed in the Idaho State Journal

  • Impacts of giant oil machinery on roadside business and emergency medical care on Highway 12 questioned- Imagine you live on Highway12 and have a medical emergency. It’s night. If you can get to Lewiston or Orofino for care, you will live. Your spouse gets you into the pickup and pulls out onto Highway12, but a…

  • And people wonder why wolf advocates are wary of state management of wolves….. Idaho sheriff denies SSS raffle aims for wolves. Washington Examiner

  • Hearing judge recommends that Highway 12 residents should be allowed to intervene against movement of giant oil equipment- What a pleasant Thanksgiving surprise! Hearing officer sides with foes of megaloads. By Todd Dvorak. Associated Press.

  • Hearing officer limits testimony he will consider to small matters- The much awaited hearing on giant oil machinery on Highway 12 was held today in Boise. It sounds like the Idaho Dept. of Transportation hearing officer will oil the way for the movement of the giant oil modules. The hearing officer said he would only…

  • This is important, and there is a story.  Usually we don’t hear (read of) the really important stuff, and this is. Idaho lobbyist to lead campaign for Conoco. AP in

  • A wolf encounter Tim Lydon, who works in Alaska, writes of an encounter he had with a wolf there during the late summer that was very calm and seemed motivated out of curiosity more than anything. Calm of the wild. by Tim Lydon – Missoula Independent This is similar to all of the “close encounters”…

  • Predetermined outcome? Brian Kelly, the new director of the USFWS office in Boise, states that Idaho’s Lolo Zone 10(j) wolf killing proposal has been put on hold so that the agency can conduct a NEPA review. This is good news but I’m betting that they will try to figure out how to get out of…

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