
  • 7 tested positive. We wrote about this story last December: Second brucellosis case found in Idaho cattle herd. It turns out that 7 cattle tested positive in the herd that was assembled over the last two years. The origins of the animals have not been reported. The remaining animals are being kept in quarantine. Idaho…

  • Blue Bunch Pack near McCall and New Meadows hasn’t killed livestock since October and all other members have been killed It has been nearly 8 months since any member of southwest Idaho’s Blue Bunch Pack killed any livestock yet, on March, 16, members of the Blue Bunch Pack were killed by Wildlife Services under an…

  • Stop the slow motion “gulf disaster” of Alberta tar sands oil- Stop Alberta oil expansion. Guest column by Tom Woodbury. Western Watersheds Project. Montana Office. It’s bad news for Idaho and Montana highways, but much more for Montana the world at large.

  • $1000 fine and loss of hunting privileges for one year Randy Strickland shot the wolf pup from a road near Tyndall Meadows last fall before the season had opened there.  There were many witnesses who reported him. Eagle wolf poacher loses cash and hunting rights. Idaho Statesman

  • Trees to receive ” ‘verbenone pouches’ that contain a synthetic pheromone to trick beetles into thinking the trees are already full of beetles”- Fighting pine bark beetles is very expensive, but these giant, ancient trees have been determined to be worth it. Good news! Whitebarks in Pioneers [Pioneer Mountains] get protection from beetles. Associated Press.

  • More on the attempt to make U.S. Highway 12 an oil industry corridor- This from the new group, the Rural People of Highway 12. U.S. Highway 12: Idaho’s Northwest Passage Scenic Byway and All-American Road • • • Big Oil: One-Time Deal or Permanent Takeover? Promoters of turning Idaho’s Northwest Passage Scenic Byway and All-American…

  • Over 200 trips of these giant oil equipment pieces to go through U.S. 12 in Idaho and NW Montana- I think perhaps there has been too much attention in this forum on elk in Lolo.  Elk are important, but fishing, scenery, wilderness, and property of local people are more important. U.S.Highway 12 is one of…

  • Shooting wolves in prime recreation country near Boise, ID- Although wolves have inhabited the the foothills and mountains north of Boise for a decade now, this is the first time they are known to have killed livestock (8 lambs, 3 ewes). The two wolves are not part of a pack. Hopefully Wildlife Services is taking…

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