
  • Idaho Mountain Express says hunters and fishermen need to help in paying the expenses- This editorial certainly makes sense to me. However, I think we will find opposition to this plan from two interesting forces — wildlife watchers and hunters.  The first is easiest to explain. An unknown number, but probably quite a few watchers,…

  • Phosphate mining, its jobs, and its environmental impact are big things in SE Idaho- A lot of the folks I talked with today spontaneously and favorably brought up this article by Marv Hoyt, Idaho Representative for the Greater Yellowstone Coalition. It appeared in the Pocatello, Idaho newspaper. March 24, 2010. Phosphate Mining and Our Hope…

  • This is about Idaho drinking water and also how Idaho’s Representative Simpson is the one who really gets things done- I thought it was kind of funny because I read it while I was waiting for my new Brita water filter to soak 15 minutes.  They say Brita removes arsenic 😉 Editorial: Otter makes headlines,…

  • Yes, according to the IDFG. Over on a popular, unnamed anti-wolf website there has been discussion of using radio receivers to track and hunt wolves and the frequencies of the radio collars on them so I asked the IDFG about this. I sent them the exchanges which have taken place there and, specifically, I asked…

  • Goal was 12 wolves- After the lawsuit and all the expense and danger of darting wolves from the air to collar them in the rugged Frank Church Wilderness, the results are in.  After risk to life and limb, instead of 12 wolves the department got only 4 collared. This is apparently the same number of…

  • This has been very minor news, but the Idaho Cattle Association and Farm Bureau have been trying to pump it into a story- They haven’t had much success, and today in the Idaho State Journal, columnist Michael H. O’Donnell slapped the livestock interests again. Best of all he relates it to the Johnson County War,…

  • Trapping of wolves may begin in Idaho next year. Unsurprisingly, Cal Groen wants more wolves to be killed in the Lolo Zone and other places. Trapping is also being considered for next year. Fish and Game director wants expanded wolf hunting Associated Press

  • No surprise. Elk numbers decline further. No surprise Fish and Game says it’s almost all due to wolves- News Release– Idaho Fish and Game. Here is a graph the department did. Let’s analyze the graph. This decline was predicted, but not its depth.  Wolves were reintroduced in 1995, but their number was trivial in the…

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