
  • Here is the final outcome of the trial we posted about — the one on the Georgia father and son who left a dying horse and abused others in the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness. Ravalli County jury finds Georgia men guilty of abusing horses on wilderness trip. Missoulian. They were convicted.

  • Judges buys Idaho Fish and Game argument that agency only wants valuable data- It’s a high bar to get a judge to rule against an agency that claims expertise and say “this is ridiculous.” That is my first take. I think, the U.S. Forest Service needs to be told to revise their general regulations for…

  • Are we one step closer to removal of the Snake River Dams? Judge finds fault with federal salmon plan. Conservation groups optimistic about order. By Jon Duval. Idaho Mountain Express. These dams are on the lower Snake River. That’s in the state of Washington, but they greatly harm salmon and steelhead migration to and from…

  • How many times did we say Idaho Fish and Game’s 500 wolves plan was meaningless in the face of the legislature? House Concurrent Resolution 43, now before the Idaho Legislature says that “existing conditions relating to wolves define an emergency condition for all rural Idahoans and, in the face of this emergency, the Legislature encourages…

  • This story is one outcome of the leaked Feb. 10 memo- There was no indication Idaho Fish and Game was ever going to release their memo to the media, but thanks to JeffE, who sent it to me, it has moved out into the public beyond this forum. Story in today’s Times-News. F&G to get tough…

  • Leaked memo shows massive effort coming to kill off Idaho wolves- The memo below from Cal Groen, Director of the Idaho Fish and Game Department confirms my call about six months ago that the Department was working with, or told to work with livestock interests to devise a method for a massive wolf reduction program.…

  • This is a good national television treatment of the issue- Salle put this link on the “have run across any good stories” page, but it should be a full post. Hunting Wolves, Saving Wolves. PBS Salle. I know you tried to call me about this, but I was out in the hills most of the…

  • These sea-run rainbow trout are now moving well up the Salmon and Clearwater Rivers- The season has been good so far. Now the fish are moving well upstream. I see the average time to catch one is about 5 hours, depending on your fishing location. Roger Phillips’ Fish Rap: Steelhead fishing is heating up a…

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