
  • The infected animal had been vaccinated. This has been a perennial issue in areas surrounding the elk feedlots in Wyoming. It now seems that brucellosis has once again infected cattle in Idaho but it is too early to say where the disease originated. If brucellosis is found in another cattle herd in Idaho within a…

  • With many landowners eager to sell, much of the $5 million left in a fund to buy property could go to land deals- Link is now fixed. Sour economy may be a boon to Boise Foothills preservation. Bethann Stewart. Idaho Statesman.

  • Is there an explanation for this in the middle of the scheduled wolf hunt? Right in the middle of the wolf hunt and in the zone where there is the highest quota, Wildlife Services took to the air this week in their gunships and blasted away the long-standing Basin Butte Pack at Stanley, Idaho. This…

  • Commission votes to extend the hunt through all of the winter into the spring !! Zones will have to reach quota before being closed. The three closed zones won’t be reopened. Idaho Fish and Game extends wolf hunting season. Idaho Statesman staff. Interestingly, not-wolf-friendly Magic Valley Times News just had an editorial asking them not…

  • Lawsuit’s aftermath forces Idaho’s Land Board set rules allowing conservationists to lease state grazing lands- The Western Watersheds Project was born when Jon Marvel outbid a rancher at a state grazing lease auction, and the Land Board gave the lease to the rancher anyway*. Finally, Idaho’s Land Board is apparently going to let other interests…

  • Dworshak-Elk City zone closed as 18 tags are filled. Idaho wolf hunt status information.

  • Quota of 75 will be reached- Updated Montana wolf hunt ends today. By Matthew Brown. Associated Press. It looks to me like wolf hunting has been easier in Montana than Idaho. Although over 100 wolves have now been killed in Idaho, Idaho’s hunt began earlier and goes longer.  Idaho also has about 50% more wolves…

  • George Wuerthner, ecologist, writer, photographer, will be the featured symposium presenter in Pocatello, Idaho- This will be of interest to SE Idaho outdoor enthusiasts. Here is the story on the Nov. 16 presentation from the Idaho State Journal. Public lands v. Private Recreation. By Jimmy Hancock. Idaho State Journal. The headline is misleading because Wutherner…

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