
  • Photos show what may be first wolf shot in Idaho’s wolf hunt I am guessing this is not the only wolf shot today. Kamiah hunter shoots wolf; may have been first of the season Idaho Statesman

  • Judge ponders rather than rule. Idaho wolf hunt begins Sept. 1; Montana Sept 15- Idaho’s first wolf hunt will begin as scheduled tomorrow. Judge Molloy heard the arguments and said he’d decide as quickly as he could, but he did not issue an injunction. Wolf hunts are on as judge eyes request to stop. By…

  • This is hardly news. I won’t bother to put a link, but has anyone thought of this . . .? What if Judge Molloy allows the hunt, but puts the wolf back on the endangered species list? This doesn’t have to be an all or nothing kind of decision. The judge could allow the hunt…

  • The Idaho Fish and Game has issued a press release asking for information regarding the death of six wolves. Is poison involved? Anyone who plans on visiting the area should be cautious about taking along their dogs. Here is the press release: Contact: Jon Heggen 208-334-3738 For Immediate Release Fish and Game Seeks Information on…

  • PDF file on the rules for the upcoming wolf hunt- Rules.

  • Of course, you can’t truly count them until they are in Idaho rivers, but so far a very strong run- For those not familiar with the Columbia River and its tributaries, Bonneville Dam is first dam anadromous fish have to cross on the Columbia River on their journey home to spawn. Steelie counts at Bonneville…

  • Links to stories on the Idaho Fish and Game decisions to allow the hunt to kill up to 220 wolves- Idaho sets a limit of 220 for wolf hunt. If hunters harvest that many, the state’s population of wolves could drop almost 25%. By Rodger Phillips. Idaho Statesman. This headline is a bit misleading because…

  • Commission will decide today whether an Idaho wolf hunt will be accepted by wolf conservationists or whether a bitter battle begins- Update: Commission sets wolf quota at 220 wolves. More information will follow when I get it. Here is some. Idaho’s wolf hunting limit set at 220. Idaho Statesman. From what I read, including the…

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