
  • Selenium poisoning is becoming a major problem in SE Idaho- The number of wildlife that die is unknown. There are many abandoned and active phosphate mines in SE Idaho. A major battle to stop the expansion of one was recently lost by the Greater Yellowstone Coalition. A new state of the art mine that is…

  • Some of pack apparently killed 12 totally unguarded sheep- I may not have a update until late today, but apparently Idaho’s one semi-protected wolf pack killed 12 sheep of an Idaho nobleman. Defenders of Wildlife has had a major project to keep the wolves and the annual invasion of sheep apart in the general area…

  • Not for control, but for population monitoring- There aren’t many grizzlies in Eastern Idaho. They are pretty much confined to the Targhee portion of the Caribou-Targhee National Forest up against Yellowstone Park and Grand Teton Park. Their range is slowly expanding.  For example, grizzlies used to be found only north of Badger Creek up against…

  • 135 expected to be released to keep total herd size near 185- BLM rounds up 364 wild horses. By Todd Adams. Challis Messenger. Photo of the roundup (from the Messenger)

  • Rare observation and photo near the top of Idaho’s second highest mountain range- Hikers see solitary member of the weasel family on east side of range. By Jason Kauffman. Idaho Mountain Express Staff Writer. The wolverine was near the top of one of the canyons in the distance. Photo copyright © Ralph Maughan

  • Randy Budge thinks hunters will take matters into own hands- Budge thinks hunters are so upset some will take matters into their own hands if an official hunt is not allowed. It’s always hard to know whether statements like this are predictions or threats. Idaho Fish & Game prepares for fall wolf hunt. Commissioner: Some…

  • Pacific northwest dry and burning as rest of West has a cool and moist summer respite- We planned to go to B.C. and Alaska this summer. Glad we didn’t. Instead we stayed in Pocatello, Idaho where a very wet late spring and cooler than normal summer has greatly reduced normal fires and given clean skies.…

  • Very important. You can comment until August 12- Send your comments to Attn: Wildlife Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks POB 200701 Helena MT 59620-0701 This MOU paves the way for sport hunting of grizzly bears in this large delisted population. This splits the “discretionary” mortality (surplus) bears between the three states. It might be…

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