
  • Western Watersheds Project sues BLM to protect the Burnt Creek roadless area from livestock abuse- Ever since I returned to Idaho in 1971, one place I wanted to see was Burnt Creek in the high colorful foothills on the east side of the Lost River Range. It has been selected as a wilderness study area…

  • The Idaho Department of Fish and Game was directed to work with domestic sheep producers to develop “best management practices” to keep bighorn and domestic sheep apart. The problem lies in the fact that history shows that it takes only one interaction between the two to transmit disease to bighorn sheep and that interaction can…

  • Disgraced Idaho senator to try to cash in as lobbyist like many other ex members of congress- Former US Sen. Larry Craig opens consulting firm. The Associated Press in the Idaho Statesman. No doubt 3 years ago he thought his retirement, if it ever came, would be a lot more lucrative. Perhaps it will still…

  • Survey of non-resident hunters shows perception of wolf impact biggest factor in not buying elk tags- As early as nine years ago, Idaho elk outfitters begin to tell the world that wolves had killed almost all the elk in the state. For the last two years Idaho Fish and Game Department honchos have joined in.…

  • Recently Senator Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) announced that in talks about salmon recovery that dam breaching should be on the table. It’s not an endorsement of dam breaching but it is a departure from former Senator Craig’s stance. On top of this development comes a letter to politicians signed by several business owners in Lewiston and…

  • Research into wolf howl boxes advancing but I doubt it will reduce collaring of wolves for the benefit of livestock interests. Idaho’s calls of the wild help improve ‘howlbox’ BY JOE JASZEWSKI – Idaho Statesman

  • The Idaho Fish and Game held it’s recent Commission meeting in McCall over the last two days but failed to take up one item on its agenda. The Commission did not discuss wolf hunting even though they are likely to start hunting wolves starting September 1st. They plan to take up the subject at their…

  • Some bad ideas just won’t die- My first involvement in a conservation battle was trying to stop the building of the Teton Dam. We lost. It failed in June 1976 as it was filling for the first time. It killed eleven and cost a billion dollars in damage payouts. It would have been a money…

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