
  • Nez Perce National Forest will write a new EIS to reconsider sheep grazing in the Salmon River Canyon. The Allison-Berg Allotment, which lies east of Riggins, is in occupied bighorn sheep habitat where disease is a real concern. It appears that the Nez Perce Forest may follow the Payette National Forest’s lead on how to…

  • Salazar has annonced $275,000,000 (275-million) of the stimulus money for National Wildlife Refuges and fish hatcheries. It’s good news that $1.7 million went to Idaho. Over a million of it went to a fish hatchery built to replace spawning beds destroyed by the Dvorshak Reservoir on the North Fork of the Clearwater. Montana got $3-million.…

  • If Otter signs the bill, many think it will kill more than bighorn sheep- It seems the preponderance of views in this forum is against collaboration in the Northern Rockies because it doesn’t work to really protect the outdoors and wildlife. Nevertheless, sitting down, holding hands, and talking has a lot or verbal support among…

  • You might remember the controversial project that resulted in an IDFG regional supervisor to lose his job after pointing out the obvious – namely, that energy developments (yes, even ‘blessed’ Wind) on public lands impact wildlife and habitat in southern Idaho.  The wind company at issue on China Mountain/Brown’s Bench is RES Americas Inc., and…

  • Governor “Butch” Otter is upset that the Idaho legislature won’t increase revenue for state highways and has reacted by vetoing 10 bills.  One of those bills on the chop block, Senate Bill No. 1177, would have slipped $200,000 into the Depredation Control Fund : In accordance with the provisions of Section 36111(c), Idaho Code, the…

  • Successful appeal by the Greater Yellowstone Coalition sends case back to district court- Federal appeals court blocks mine expansion. By Rebecca Boone. AP. I was told that In summary, the appellate court: 1.  Issued a stay of mine development activities; 2.  Ruled that the Idaho magistrate judge erred in disregarding GYC’s demonstration of harm to…

  • Old toxic mining waste along the Coeur d’Alene River kills at least 150 a year- Toxic marshes deadly to swans: Coeur d’Alene River laden with lead from Silver Valley mining. By Spokesman-Review in the Seattle Times. This is not really a new story in the sense that it happens every year.  I knew that in…

  • Grizzlies are expanding their range due to the death of whitebark pine and they increasingly get shot- Researchers blame grizzly deaths on hunters, climate change. By Matthew Brown. Associated Press Fortunately the evidence seems to be that their population around Yellowstone is still growing.

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