
  • “It correctly constructs in the public eye the clash of values we are experiencing” Rocky Barker interviews Jon Marvel (my boss) of Western Watersheds Project about the recent bill SB 1175 which requires the IDFG to kill bighorn sheep that enter domestic sheep grazing allotments. “The legislature is creating a trap for ranchers and the…

  • Good gracious that’s a lot of comments ! Congrats to Idaho’s prized bighorn sheep and thanks to those that commented ! 15,000 Comments Received on Bighorn Sheep Viability DSEIS – News Release, Payette National Forest The bighorn sheep issue has been on the cutting edge of controversy in the state of Idaho. You can look…

  • 25-million acres of public land said operating under illegal BLM plans- Conservationists decry ranching impact on sage grouse populations. By Scott Sonner. Associated Press Writer Needless to say, this is no small piece of litigation. Thanks to Advocates for the West for permission to use the map.

  • 250 to 300 Idaho wolves could be killed if delisting occurs. On May 2nd wolves will be delisted leaving a window of at least 30 days before the decision could be enjoined by a judge. During this time, assuming an injunction, a number of things could happen at the hands of the Idaho Fish and…

  • No committee of the Idaho state legislature have more influence over wildife than than the Senate and the House Resource and Conservation Committees. A look at the occupations of those on the committees show they represent an Idaho of days gone by. This kind of occupational, and so viewpoint unrepresentativeness, is fairly common in legislatures,…

  • Bill passes key State Senate committee 7-2- The bighorn is in big trouble in Idaho with the population dropping from 6,500 in 1990 to about 3,500 today. One full curl bighorn ram can be worth as much as an entire band of sheep. Bill would prohibit bighorns in sheep grazing areas. AP In an April…

  • Effort to overturn recent court decision striking down Bush rules- Crapo Introduces Bill to Codify National Park Gun Rule. Gun politics is getting very interesting. Will Congress record a vote on guns in national parks? Will the President sign it? By Bill Schneider. New West. This is all an attempt by the NRA, and its…

  • Judge Lodge mandates a “status review” for rare whitefish. Major impacts expected if fish is listed- Judge orders protection review for Idaho fish. By Todd Dvorak. Associated Press Writer. Judge rules in favor of whitefish. By Jason Kauffman. Idaho Mountain Express. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service told to reconsider ESA listing for Mackay area fish…

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