
  • Here’s a place where could do some new work- Worlds of trappers, pet owners collide. Reports to the Idaho Statesman of injured dogs are three times higher this year. By Pete Zimowsky. Idaho Statesman – – – – – Because I mentioned Footloose, and Footloose’s E.D’s comment kind of got buried, I am moving…

  • Officials will seek federal permission to kill wolves to protect Clearwater elk herd- Story by Jason Kauffman. Idaho Mountain Express Staff Writer. The story says this will be a multi-year effort because new wolves will quickly move in to replace the wolves killed. This raises the question, why would this happen if wolves have killed…

  • Projected revenue increase revised from 20 down to 15%- Under the proposal basic fish and hunting licenses would not change. Tags, however, would increase by varying percentage amounts. Story in Idaho Statesman.

  • Mines and land developers can breathe a sigh of relief- ID lawmakers side with industry on water rules. By Sarah D. Wire. Associated Press Writer. The fix was in before the legislature met on the ground water rules, the gift to Idaho Association of Realtors was more of surprise. They argued that meeting water quality…

  • Plan is out in the open- Although they wanted to just do a quick kill, under the 10j rules Idaho can kill off wolves in an area if wolves are making it so that ID F and G objectives aren’t being meet. They have to perform a ritual first, however.  A delisted population could have…

  • Preliminary wolf numbers are announced by Idaho Fish and Game- Idaho Wolves: At A Glance IDFG new release. The news release reports that there are 824 wolves, 88 packs of which 38 are considered breeding pairs. This is up from the 732 wolves and 83 packs but not in the way that you may think.…

  • Yearling male grizzly found dead under suspicious circumstances- Idaho Fish and Game Dept. news release. Jan. 16, 2009

  • Interesting, a move up from collaborationism- Idaho has more roadless, undeveloped national forest land than any other state but Alaska.  Compared to most other western states only a modest portion of this has been protected as designated Wilderness. The rest was allocated into various categories in an initiative pushed by Jim Risch during his brief…

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