• They will claim whitebark pine are not necessary to delist Yellowstone area grizzly bears- They tried to delist the Greater Yellowstone grizzly population back in 2007, but skeptical bear conservationists sued because of the collapse of the thought-to-be-vital whitebark pine in the Greater Yellowstone. Bears feed voraciously on their protein and fat-filled nuts in the fall at…

  • At least 50 dead griz, but population said to grow by 15- The Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem stretches over about 18-million acres and into 3 states. Grizzly bears inhabit about 2/3 of that to some degree, hardly being confined to the smallish 2.2 million acres of Yellowstone National Park. Grizzly bear numbers have been growing for…

  • IGBC has hard time understanding Judge Molloy ruled against them not because of grizzly mortality, but lack of food for grizzly in the area- Perhaps the bear population could withstand more deaths; and, hey why not acquiesce with what is already happening? Bear bureaucrats could call that “adaptive management.” However, Judge Molloy didn’t relist the…

  • David Smith urges IGBC to change its bear spray campaign slogan to “Carry bear spray and know when to use it.” Smith urges what might seem to be subtle but very important change in the way the Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee educates hunters about bear spray.  However, for 2009 the IGBC is using the same…

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