
  • Clearcuts in Montana The Forest Service is once again demonstrating its Industrial Forestry bias with its proposal to treat 3,790 acres by Cruzane Mountain in the Lolo National Forest. An acre is approximately the size of one football field. The District Ranger suggests that treatments will “address insect and disease impacts and improve forest health…

  • We fear death, so do animals, even some insects like dragonflies- “Playing possum” by possums is not a clever fraud. Instead it seems to be a last ditch involuntary device to avoid death by giving up and entering a state from which they can’t be roused when the predator leaves until minutes or hours have…

  • Masterswarm We’ve used the examples of how heat and cold can take more livestock in a few days than wolves do in a year. In following up on our continuing efforts to highlight the absurdly disproportionate media coverage that flares up whenever news of a predator taking a few livestock happens,  I thought I’d post…

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