
  • State’s first wolf hunt will no longer include any trapping- Michigan plans to have its first wolf hunt this fall. It will be in three parts (units) of the state’s Upper Peninsula (the U.P.). The original wolf hunt plan approved included trapping as well as shooting the wolves, but that has now been dropped. Hunt…

  • Possible hitch is discovery that eastern timber wolf is a different species than Great Lakes wolves- It would certainly be good politics if the wolf could be delisted here because the state wolf management plans and public opinion is so much more favorable than in Idaho, Montana and Wyoming. Good work and good folks should…

  • A group of up to three wolves may be living on the Lower Peninsula For many years there have been lone wolves reported on the Lower Peninsula but this is the first confirmation of more than one. The wolves may have crossed the frozen lake near Mackinac Bridge to get there from the Upper Peninsula…

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