Migratory Bird Treaty Act

  • America’s most fundamental wildlife treaty strangled of funding in House with a voice vote! South Carolina’s Republican congressman Jeff Duncan decided to do a little something special for his favorite constituents. That is not the people in his district. It is the oil companies. As part of his “True ‘All of the Above Approach to…

  • The American Bird Conservancy notes in a press release that a million birds may be dying each year after becoming trapped inside PVC pipes used to mark mining claims throughout the country, but mainly in the west. Small birds apparently see the opening of PVC pipes used to mark mining claims as a hollow suitable…

  • This has to be one of the most egregious incidents of wildlife destruction I’ve heard of in recent times. A farmer has admitted to destroying an entire colony of pelican nests. 2,400 eggs and chicks were destroyed by a farmer who complained that the colony was destroying his crops. Pelicans are protected under the Migratory…

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