1,142 acres of BLM Land in southeast Idaho could be sold to Simplot for phosphate mining This would be a precedent setting decision that would eliminate access to this land and limit input into how it is managed. Agency mulls selling public land for mine TODD DVORAK – Associated Press
Will there be a similar flight for opponents of the mining? No. A state owned plane carrying Lt. Gov. Brad Little, Attorney General Lawrence Wasden, House Assistant Majority Leader Scott Bedke, deputy Attorney General Clive Strong, and mining lobbyist Jack Lyman for a tour of eastern Idaho phosphate mining areas was paid for by mining…
Mines and land developers can breathe a sigh of relief- ID lawmakers side with industry on water rules. By Sarah D. Wire. Associated Press Writer. The fix was in before the legislature met on the ground water rules, the gift to Idaho Association of Realtors was more of surprise. They argued that meeting water quality…
Grand Canyon Watersheds Protection Act- Bill Would Stop Uranium Mining Near Grand Canyon National Park. ENS Ex-Secretary of Interior Kempthorne deliberately refused to prevent this potentially massive group of developments from being halted despite protests from the Los Angeles Water District, the Southern Nevada Water Authority, the Arizona Game and Fish Department, Coconino County and…