
  • Helicopter netting of elk as part of a brucellosis study Yesterday the Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks was out using a helicopter to capture elk with nets so that they could test them for brucellosis, attach radio collars, and implant vaginal devices intended to drop out when the elk give birth or abort…

  • George Wuerthner gives us the facts on the brucellosis fraud- Bison Slaughter A Smoke Screen for Livestock Industry. “The on-going slaughter of Yellowstone National Park bison is justified on the basis of disease control—namely trying to prevent transmission of brucellosis from bison to cattle. While the potential economic impact brucellosis is real, the likelihood is…

  • More good news, and just a few years ago every day seemed to bring bad news for the North Fork of the Flathead River- Tester, Baucus renew effort to protect Flathead River Basin. By Rob Chaney. Missoulian.

  • Pronghorn and mule deer hit hard- Winter takes a toll on northeastern Montana wildlife. By Brett French. Billings Gazette. I posted a news release from ID Fish and Game the other day about winter conditions and wildlife in Eastern Idaho, but hardly anyone read it.  I took it down. I’ll watch this one to see…

  • Denny Rehberg (R-MT) has introduced the first wolf bill of the new congress into the House of Representatives which would hand over management authority of wolves to the states of Montana and Idaho. Here is the bill Update 1/27/11: Apparently there are two bills.  The second one would remove all protections from wolves nationwide. Here…

  • The snow is deep, in fact it’s 130% of average in Yellowstone this year. That makes for a bad situation if you are a buffalo there. Do you try to stay in the Park where you can’t get to the food that you know is under all of that snow or do you follow your…

  • Motorbikes, ATV interests rebuffed for large roadless area between Glacier N.P. and Bob Marshall Wildlerness- Judge upholds ban on motorized travel in Badger-Two Med. By Karl Puckett.  Great Falls  Tribune Staff Writer. I’ve only been there twice, and just into it a little way.  My impression is that it isn’t quite as rugged as the…

  • If first four loads don’t go up and over smoothly, battle will likely last for a generation- The megaloads for the Billings, MT oil refinery now have a go ahead from Idaho, and will probably get one quickly from Montana. Highway 12 itself has been slippery to very slippery except in its lower portion.  Parts…

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