
  • Twenty-one more dead bighorn- Pneumonia persists in Anaconda bighorns. Montana Standard. Seems to me like Western Watersheds Project is about the only private organization doing anything to stop the spread of this disease that is taking such an awful toll.

  • Best known for ruling on the wolf, judge is concerned about the disappearance of concern for the common good- This is a interesting and lengthy bio of Montana’s best known federal judge. Who is Judge Don Molloy? By Daniel Person. Bozeman Chronicle Staff Writer I certainly agree with the Judge on his greatest concern. It…

  • Latest “shocker” from anti-wolf is no shock at all- The anti-wolf folks are always coming up with new charges, which generally just show they haven’t been paying attention. The latest is that there were wolves in Montana prior to the reintroduction in Idaho and Yellowstone!!!! This is true, but it is not some hidden conspiracy.…

  • Grazing and slaughter threaten the viability of bison and other sensitive species- The US Forest Service and the National Park Service are violating the law by not allowing bison the use of public lands. The grazing allotments provide the excuse the Montana Department of Livestock wants for their annual abuse of buffalo inside and outside…

  • This is a significant move of new support against the use of the highway to move giant tar sands modules- Supervisors of Lolo, Clearwater national forests oppose big rigs on Highway 12. AP in the Missoulian. Highway 12 winds along between these two national forests. – – – – – – Other recent news about…

  • Tired of one-sided wolf management Jerry Black, a frequent commentator on this site, is challenging Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks for its attempt at building a coalition with hunters, outfitters, and livestock interests for the purposes of overturning Malloy’s wolf decision. He’s tired of the one-sided state management which benefits only those special interests who…

  • All Defenders payments for dead livestock ends in September- It really seemed like a good idea.  Wolves will kill some livestock, but a public spirited conservation group will pay generously for all verified losses and even 50% for unverified, but probable losses to wolves. Defenders has been paying these claims for well over 15 years…

  • About the “boulder.” Story by Lauren Russell, Bozeman Chronicle Staff Writer Update Sept. 4. Road closed due to damaged dam to open for Labor Day weekend. Bozeman Chronicle.

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