
  • Is this a final victory in 23 year fight against the mine? It probably isn’t because Judge Molloy both ruled for and against conservationists on their variety of claims, but it does send the Forest Service’s decision to approve the mine back to square one. Molloy blocks mine beneath Cabinet Mountains Wilderness. By Michael Jamison.…

  • Defenders’ handover to Montana fails to initiate a single proactive project in its first year- When the wolf was delisted, Defenders of  Wildlife stopped paying compensation for the loss of livestock to wolves in Montana. However, Defenders gave the state $100,000 to get the “Montana Livestock Loss Reduction and Mitigation Board” started. It was to…

  • There is a difference though. Now they are waking up and going well out onto the plains- We discussed this a lot last fall, with grizzly bears pushing eastward out of the Rockies well onto the plains of north central Montana.  One almost made it to the Missouri River (shades of Lewis and Clark!). Montana…

  • “Wildlife Services agents no longer need FWP authorization to kill wolves at or near confirmed livestock depredation sites.” This is about the worst scenario for wolves of Montana that could be concocted by the state, especially while the decision to delist them is being considered in the courts. This nudges wolves even closer to a…

  • Here is the final outcome of the trial we posted about — the one on the Georgia father and son who left a dying horse and abused others in the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness. Ravalli County jury finds Georgia men guilty of abusing horses on wilderness trip. Missoulian. They were convicted.

  • Splitting from the Montana Wilderness Association, they issue statement against the wilderness and logging bill- Update 2-18. Tester’s Bill Causing Major Rift Among Wilderness Advocates. Former Montana Wilderness Association Council Members Bolt. By Bill Schneider. New West. Earlier ↓ As folks probably know, the Montana Wilderness Association supports Senator Tester’s Jobs and Recreation Act of…

  • Controversy began 1n 1974- Well what a cause for celebration this is!  I can remember I was just starting to explore the wild country as a young man back in 1974 when Sage Creek Coal proposed a big coal mine on Cabin Creek, a tributary to the North Fork of the Flathead.  In 2008 I…

  • State hunt relies solely on bison migration from Yellowstone Park. Few migrated- Single bison shot in state’s winter hunt. By  Matthew Brown. Associated Press | Now, however, Montana’s Department of Livetock is completely out of control and wants to kill any bison that leave the Park even in cattle free areas, in violation of the…

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