Montana’s wolf hunt did not have a slow start like Idaho’s- Out of the quota of 75, already 23 wolves have been killed. In total eleven wolves were shot over the weekend. The entire state was open to hunting for just 3 days. Southern Montana’s quota was filled on Sunday with the hunt ending at…
Remainder of the wolf quota was filled on the first day of the general hunt in district 3 (southern Montana)- Mont. shuts down wolf hunting in one of three districts. By The Montana Standard News Services – 10/26/2009
Until now only limited parts of the state have been open of wolf hunting- Now many hunters will be looking for wolves statewide along with many elk and deer hunts- Hunters being given chance to manage wolves. By Rob Chaney. The Missoulian Montana’s wolf quota of 75 is small compared to Idaho’s 220, despite Idaho’s…
It’s good to know some data is actually being collected- This is interesting although based on only 9 kills and all in the A-B Wilderness north of Yellowstone. Details provide insight to first hunts. Billings Gazette.
The 3 cubs were in good shape and couldn’t be trapped. In addition, there is yet another sow with 3 cubs in the area! Rather than some marginal glade far from grizzly country (the Eldorado Grove), this sounds like grizzly central at this time of year where the bears are fat and cubs do well.…
23 wolves in pack killed for some reason- So far 12 wolves have been killed in Montana’s wolf hunt. It has generated a lot of controversy because most were taken in a small area just north of Yellowstone Park. Montana’s wolf hunt quota is 75. I read in the latest Montana Wolf Weekly Report today…
Just one wild horse left on Flathead Lake’s Wild Horse Island, but there is no shortage of horses that could repopulate the island- The Missoula Independent did a feature on the contentious issue of the management of the wild (or feral) horses of the West. Alone on the Range. Only one wild horse remains on…
Unfortunately she had three cubs- Choteau (show toe). This took place on the plains on the Rocky Mountain Front. Despite the mention of Teton County, it is Teton County, Montana not Teton County, Wyoming or Idaho. This pheasant hunter was from Alaska. Story: Bird hunter kills sow grizzly north of Choteau. Choteau Arcantha. The grizzly…