
  • Hunters and hikers should take special note- This time of year, many grizzlies take to forested river bottoms that lead eastward out from the Front,* such as the Teton River, Sun River, etc. River bottom grizzlies spark warnings to hunters. By Karl Puckett. Great Falls Tribune. – – – – *The Front is the name…

  • Wolf was shot north of Yellowstone Park- First wolf hunt kill recorded. By Eve Byron Helena Independent Record Few details are available on-line so far.

  • Bitterroot Valley resident tracks growing deformities by examining road kill- New West has a story today about the likely effects of endocrine-disrupting chemicals on deer.  Bitterroot Rebel With a Cause. Genetic, Genital Damage in Montana Wildlife? (bad link is now fixed). By Joan Melcher. New West. Almost half of the bucks had structural abnormalities.

  • Hunt will begin in four Montana Wilderness Areas and two more Idaho areas- Although the Idaho wolf hunt has got all the attention, Montana’s hunt begins on a limited basis Sept. 15.  It will be in the Bob Marshall complex of Wilderness areas and the Beartooth Wilderness immediately north of Yellowstone Park. Idaho’s hunt is…

  • George Wuerthner has written an essay exploring the reaction of many people to the wolf hunt. Are Hunters Stupid?–The Unintended Consequences of Wolf Hunting . New West.

  • Side-effects of policies are often the most interesting- So the hunt is underway in part of Idaho. All of Idaho will be added in a month. Meanwhile Montana will begin a hunt. Most people will focus on whether somebody got a wolf, where, how?  There will be pleasure and outrage. Some basic statistics will be…

  • Judge ponders rather than rule. Idaho wolf hunt begins Sept. 1; Montana Sept 15- Idaho’s first wolf hunt will begin as scheduled tomorrow. Judge Molloy heard the arguments and said he’d decide as quickly as he could, but he did not issue an injunction. Wolf hunts are on as judge eyes request to stop. By…

  • Ram was actually shot by an undercover agent. Issue sparks controversy on Internet- I don’t know if I should post this story, but looks like I did. Montana: Charges filed in connection with killing of record bighorn. By Michael Babcock. Great Falls Tribune Outdoor Editor.

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