Feature article says that despite notable incidents and failures, grizzly recovery in NW Montana is successful- Knowledge to coexist: For most part, industry succeeds in informing people about bruins. By Michael Jamison. Missoulian.
This is hardly news. I won’t bother to put a link, but has anyone thought of this . . .? What if Judge Molloy allows the hunt, but puts the wolf back on the endangered species list? This doesn’t have to be an all or nothing kind of decision. The judge could allow the hunt…
Vein was not hit by the tranquilizer dart- They have been unable to find out how the vein ruptured. Story in the Daily InterLake. Darted grizzly cub died of internal bleeding
Size of reward for killer of “Maximus” not specified, but substantial- Reward offered for information in killing of big Montana grizzly. By Karl Puckett. Great Falls Tribune Staff Writer
“Someone just indiscriminately shot the bear” The bear was informally known as Maximus. His decaying carcass was found by a rancher off Fish Creek west of Dupuyer, Montana. Officials probe killing of giant grizzly on Front. By Karl Puckett. Great Falls Tribune Staff Writer. The Tribune article says that was probably the 2 nd largest…
Senator Baucus tells Secretry of Interior about the many threats from British Columbia- The latest threat to the river and Glacier National Park is gold mining. Interior chief Salazar visits North Fork. Missoulian. By Michael Jamison. BC’s indifference, I think, or at least hope, is mostly an accident of geography because no one lives in…
Wolf watching is slow in this summer’s extra green Yellowstone- While watching has been slow lately in the reconfigured Yellowstone wolf packs, Kathie Lynch has quite a bit of news. Ralph Maughan – – – – – – July and August wolf notes for YNP. By © Kathie Lynch Copyrighted material. Not to be reprinted…