
  • Galanis’s brought the Butte to help wildlife, especially bison, but Montana DOL hazes the bison away to protect the non-existent local cattle- Buffalo hazing frustrates property owner. Conservation easement not getting intended use. By Brett French. Billings Gazette Staff.

  • Coal mining threat from Canada just north of Glacier NP is becoming an international issue- I made a trip to the mine proposed area (and even worse coal bed methane wells) in British Columbia last summer. What a horrible place to do this! Other than the local fish and wildlife (and there is a lot),…

  • Whatever happened to the vaunted new May 15 tolerance date? Supposedly it would be different this spring. Bison would allowed to migrate out of the Park and onto Horse Butte free from harassment until at least May 15. The reality is pretty much like recent years. Brutal Montana Department of Livestock agents and Yellowstone Park…

  • Comments will be taken until June 22- Grizzly protection proposed. Plan would limit public’s access. Becky Kramer. Spokesman-Review It is irritating that the headline for the new plan to save the grizzlies in these two disjunctive grizzly populations of northern Idaho and NW Montana should be negative in tone. After a  brief  look at the…

  • Of course wolf “depredations” are somehow special. Will the blizzard story last more than a couple days? Calf losses said to be in the thousands with reports still coming in. For comparison, cattle losses to wolves in Montana in 2008 totaled just 77 dead with a couple dozen more “probables.” I bring this up because…

  • But Montana’s congressional delegation refrains as they have for 26 years- Bill Schneider believes the anti-wilderness attitude of Montana business is changing, but the view of Montana’s congressional delegation (which includes two Democratic senators) has not. “JOBS, JOBS, JOBS Business People Call for More Wilderness in Northwest Montana. Another sincere call for Montana’s delegation to…

  • Grizzlies are expanding their range due to the death of whitebark pine and they increasingly get shot- Researchers blame grizzly deaths on hunters, climate change. By Matthew Brown. Associated Press Fortunately the evidence seems to be that their population around Yellowstone is still growing.

  • Sudden appearance of bison on highway have resulted in numerous bison deaths- Although conditions for the bison that leave west side of Yellowstone Park in the winter, and especially the spring, have been much better in 2009, the sudden migration of buffalo across busy U.S. 191 has resulted in at least 15 dead bison this…

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