
  • Judge stops transport of megaloads through Western Montana- Great news!  Especially after all the elected U. S. officials from governors to the White House seem to have sold out. Montana judge rules against transport of giant oilfield equipment. Victory for campaigners as decision delivers a new setback to the efforts of Alberta tar sands. By…

  • Unlike Idaho, Montana FWP will set a quota for the state’s wolf hunt- Today, Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks Commission will set the wolf hunt quota for this fall’s hunt at 220 wolves. If met and the underlying assumptions behind the estimate are factually correct, this quota is expected to result in a decline in…

  • Thousands died this winter, hundreds since trying to swim the mile wide river- We covered this wildlife disaster last winter, though in a general way. Spring has not ended it. Missouri River cuts off pronghorn from fawning grounds. By Karl Puckett. Great Falls Tribune

  • Did a Campaign of Fear and Intimidation Lead to the Gray Wolf’s Removal from the Endangered Species List? There have been a number of analyses of the recent congressional wolf delisting in the Northern Rocky Mountains. One recent piece places much of the blame on “environmentalists.” It is available by subscription only the the High…

  • Unprotected chicken coops becoming a source of  bears deaths on Flathead Reservation- Two grizzlies were shot dead last weekend near the base of the bear-heavy Mission Mountains in NW Montana. An elk antler gatherer stumbled into a griz on the Blackfoot-Clearwater Wildlife area and shot the bear. Not far away on the Flathead Indian Reservation…

  • Montana’s second hunt to be much larger than the 2009 hunt- Montana’s wildlife commissioners have tentatively approved a wolf hunt this fall of 220 wolves, compared to their 2009 hunt of 79. There was no hunt in 210. At the end of 2010, the official wolf population estimate for Montana was 566 wolves.  This quota,…

  • Park County, Montana judge issues a temporary restraining order to prevent bison from roaming Gardiner Basin– This means trouble for the bison just released from the pens on the north boundary of Yellowstone Park. I see they are still playing the brucellosis card and the new Old West favorite, We’re scared of the animals!! Park…

  • Montana Bison ‘managers’ kill calf north of West Yellowstone- Bison are now allowed to leave the Park to the west in the winter at Horse Butte, but they are supposed to be back in the Park at an abnormally early time. This year the Park is still under snow. The brutal Montana Department of Livestock…

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