National Elk Refuge
Heavy snowfall sends elk to refuge. By Cory Hatch. Jackson Hole Daily. It is shaping up to be a snowy winter in southern Idaho and Western Wyoming.
The important lawsuit to rid the National Elk Refuge of artificial winter feeding of elk is underway. This article in the Jackson Hole Star Tribune touches on the testimony of two experts, one on each side. If as the interest group, Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife claims, closing feedgrounds will cause elk to transmit brucellosis…
Too many elk and not enough tough love in Wyoming. By Jeff Welsch. Writers on the Range.
Officials assess refuge herd at mid-winter. Mortalities are down, but officials worry about high numbers, warmer temperatures. Jackson Hole News and Guide. An amazingly small number of elk have perished as of mid-winter at the National Elk Refuge. However, the snow is deep, meaning it will probably melt out late and will get dirty and…
Here is the story in the Jackson Hole News and Guide. By Corey Hatch. Elk from Grand Teton National Park where there is no general elk hunt migrate out of the Park early and seek refuge at the southern end of the National Elk Refuge near small city of Jackson. Most elk on the refuge…