nuclear power

  • FAIR Magazine deconstructs the latest proclaimation that a nuclear (power) renaissance is happening- FAIR Magazine watches for media bias and censorship whether it comes from corporations, non-profits, the government or the institutional biases inherent to journalism.  In the past, FAIR took time to examine the bias now the media reports about the wolf restoration. Below…

  • Despite predictions to the contrary, the wind farms did well- Battle-proof Wind Farms Survive Japan’s Trial by Fire. By Kelly Rigg. Huffington Post.

  • Diablo Canyon plant is a mile from off-shore fault- I recall there was a long fight against this plant a generation ago. It generated a case that went to the Supreme Court. One of the chief arguments was that there was a fault nearby. The larger San Adreas fault is not far either. They say…

  • Are local people waking up to the fact that energy development in the remote West lacks the water necessary- The attitude of many interior Western politicians is, and generally has been, that they are happy to be a colony for the rest of the country as long as they can be glorified for a few…

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