Oil and Gas

  • Protecting the Brooks Range of Alaska by giving some kind of permanent protection to the National  Petroleum Reserve. Photo George Wuerthner  The Center for American Progress (CAP) recently published a report on how President Biden could reach his goal of protecting 30 percent of America’s land and water by 2030. It is an ambitious goal…

  • Role of past Wyoming politicians in corrupting MMS doesn’t phase them- And it’s bow down before Wyoming’s true rulers. Praise in the Casper Star Tribune. By Dustin Bleizeffer.  They would never hurt Wyoming like they did the Gulf of Mexico. – – – – – – Related Oil companies have spent little on oil spill…

  • Protection of the Wyoming Range was one of the big achievements of 2009- B. Henrie, who posts here under another name, provided the blog with some fine photos of these splendid mountains. He took them on a Sept. deer hunt. No doubt they are now covered with snow. A million acres was withdrawn from oil…

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