oil gusher

  • As the slick is posed to hit western Florida coast, a model predicts a much wider spread- BP oil spill could spread to Atlantic Ocean. Christian Science Monitor. This comes amid predictions that the gusher won’t be stopped until relief wells intersect the oil reservoir in August.  Even then, relief wells sometimes fail to work.…

  • Will hurricanes add to the on-going unnatural disaster? Hurricane season begins June 1, and its peak is late August when the the relief wells might have finally stopped the oil gusher. Hurricane Season Raises New Fears. By Kenneth Chang. New York Times. I recall that last year the hurricane season was quite mild in terms…

  • Scientists Find Giant Plumes of Oil Forming Under the Gulf- Past oil spills have always been on the surface. So we tend to think of measuring their size that way (by overhead photography).  However this oil gushing out of the deep and much not coming to the surface.  Huge underwater plumes are present unseen and…

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